The BEST VR Headset of 2024! Which Headset Should You Buy? (VR Buying Guide)

The BEST VR Headset of 2024! Which Headset Should You Buy? (VR Buying Guide)

Best VR headset in 2024. Which vr headset should you buy? This is the ultimate buyers guide for Virtual Reality. Looking at the pros and cons of the best VR headsets that are available right now. From the meta quest 3, pico 4, apple vision pro, valve index, PSVR 2, quest pro and the bigscreen beyond. So that you can make the right decision on which headset is right for you.

GET A VR HEADSET + Free $30 Store Credit
â–º Quest 3:
â–º Quest 3S:

130$ Discount with CODE: VRELITY

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  1. Just thought I’d let everyone know that I have a oculus go and it is great so great that I just downgraded to the quest 2 or at least it feels like it,

    Why would anyone get a quest 2 when you can get a go?

    Wast of money would have never brought it knowing what I do now

  2. Just bought the PS5 VR2 not realizing it’s not fully wireless….how is one expected to use with cords under your feet? not to mention unless you have PS located behind you there is no way to run the cable without obstructions……didn’t even put it on when I saw the cord. Packed and on it’s way back…going for the Meta with a Kat Walk. Great vid, will be using your link so thanks.

  3. I am a proud Apple hater! Their products are way overpriced and nonsensical in many ways. Guess I will keep all of that money in my pocket and go with a headset that is 10 times cheaper than that POS!

  4. im not sure if i should get the meta quest 2 or the meta quest 3, ive heard that they’re both good but im not sure which to get

  5. Funny how no one talks about the longevity of those battery operated headsets. Just like electric cars, no one ever say how long these batteries will last and how expensive they will be when replaced. In the case of those headsets it’s probably impossible to change them so when the battery can no longer be charged (and this is not a IF it’s a when) you will just have to simply BUY another headset. BATTERIES HAVE A FINITE LIFE so many recharge can be made and once this is reached …. then what, what happens to that marvellous resolution that still could work but … well it needs new batteries that are unfortunately sealed inside the headset. The more time you spend on it, the more you recharge the less it will last (1-to 3 years max) and those cables that keeps it charged as you play are like a hole in your battery life leaking it’s life like a bullet hole

  6. The biggest problem with the apple vr headset is it is Apple… don’t get me wrong, I’m not an Apple hater, but I don’t own anything else Apple. Why would I buy it? Especially since it is so damn expensive!

  7. Meta Quest 2 no longer works with Steam VR for us. We used our Quest 2 with Steam VR for years and it was fantastic.

    We even installed over 200Gb of mods for Skyrim VR and had an absolute blast. Wife put hundreds of hours into PC Steam Beat-saber.

    A few weeks ago, without any warning, problems arose. When connecting to Steam VR the fps drops to like 5. It is unplayable.

    If we play games using the Quest 2 from the PC oculus App on the pc, it works fine.

    If we play games from the Quest 2’s internal memory it works fine.

    The second we make a connection to any of our pc’s using Steam VR the fps drops to like 5. Moving our controller across our field of vision we can clearly see something is wrong. The controller is flashing/strobing as it moves, as if we are using the pc’s CPU as the GPU or something.

    Our pcs:
    1. Intel 9900k – MSI 3090 – 32Gb DDR4 3600 cl16 – Samsung Pro 990 Nvme game drive
    2. AMD 5900X – PNY 3090 – 128Gb DDR4 3600 cl18 – Samsung Pro 990 Nvme game drive

    We have spent 30+ hours over several weeks trying every forum post fix, updating drivers, moving sliders, and changing settings. Nothing effects the games internal hidden fps lockout. We assume this is a driver or operating system forced nerf to force users away from Steam or another one of thousands of "woppsies" from Microsoft.

    We were going to buy the new Quest 3 but not anymore. This issue has to be resolved first, and time elapsed to make sure it doesn’t crop back up.

    Thanks for the video. We are looking for ideas for a different brand wireless capable VR experience.

    We had an Index Valve along side our Quest 2, but managing the heavy cord was just too annoying so we sold it at a $500 loss after using it rarely for over a year.

  8. Apple being apple…. Overpriced crap that doesnt support the things everyone else supports. I cant understand how anyone would even consider buying any product from apple, ever.

  9. I don’t like Zuckerberg and I don’t want a Facebook account or a meta crap. I need Android Samsung or Sony Or Huawei vr

  10. The absolute proprietary Ness of PlayStation turns me off 1000% don’t wanna be stuck in their particular ecosystem, so that one is off the table

  11. 0:41 meta quest 3. Below 500 usd
    2:03 pico 4. Starts about 400 usd
    3:01 Apple Vision Pro. 3500 usd
    4:34 meta quest pro. 1000 usd
    5:17 meta quest 2. Not officially available new according to video
    5:43 KATVR treadmills advert
    6:50 PlayStation VR2. 550 usd (headset only ps5 not included)
    8:40 valve index. 1000 usd no controller or hand tracking
    9:31 big screen beyond. 1000 usd

    10:38 outro

    There you go

  12. So, a video made by someone who don’t own the VR sets in the video, or at least don’t share a single input of personal experience…. oooookey, moving on…

  13. i myself plan on getting the Index, i just dont think anything can match it right now untill when ever a index 2 happens. but i’d also get PSVR2 for my PS5

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