Portable Power Station (Buying Guide) πŸ”Œ Bring the Electricity with you

Portable Power Station (Buying Guide) πŸ”Œ Bring the Electricity with you

These portable power stations can replace a generator in many cases, but to buy the best one you need to understand their capacity and limitations.

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Find & buy the power stations here πŸ‘‡
Anker Powerhouse II 800: https://cutt.ly/EYHkZ24
Jackery Explorer 1500: https://cutt.ly/rYHhIkW
*CNET may get a commission from these offers.

0:00 – Intro
1:33 – Power capacity
2:42 – Real world usage
4:14 – Power outlets
5:33 – Charging
6:55 – Jackery solar panels
7:33 – Features
8:28 – Battery fade
9:39 – Buyers checklist

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  1. Now that this technology is beginning to grow stronger legs, I’m beginning to look into it more seriously.
    However, I’m not finding much help and info to assist me in deciding if it can help me as yet.
    I wish to stop using petroleum-powered generators as I hate those fumes when doing things publicly (or at all).
    But I’m not used to considering W with Wh, and unsure what would, if at all, drive my current portable P.A. system for any decent length of time so it isn’t a constant concern while performing.
    The P.A. system uses approx 750 to 800W, and, of course, any power source, also has to drive a laptop, mixer, and various synths or drum machines and fx (all of which added to the P.A. system, are unlikely to push the needed wattage much above 1000W).
    It would be great to be able to run this setup for at least 8hours, with 12 to 20 hours being more ideal, even if I never need to run it for so long at a time.
    Anyone who could advise?

  2. Considering one of these for living on a sailboat and not wanting to use all the solar panel power for phone/computer charges, fans, etc! Would be comforting to have one of these all charged up from the mainland as a back up or just as extra power that can be recharged at a hotel or somewhere! Love that the one can be charged by solar panels as well tho!

  3. So a the 1530 battery will power a 1200 watt roaster oven for a little over an hour before drawing down a needing to be recharged?

  4. Major point is "pass-through". For example, can you continue to charge with solar panels will drawing from them with devices/utilities at the same exact time.

  5. At least you’re not calling it a solar generator like the other Liars it’s nothing more than a battery with an inverter all you can charge it with a solar charger big deal I can charge my cardboard battery with a solar charger

  6. It would be great if US manufacturers could start thinking INTERNATIONAL: universal power outlets on these devices.

  7. I need to inflate balloons outside at the site and they don’t always have a power source. My electric balloon pumps are 600 and 700 watts. I bought 2 and returned them. 600W surge, but the outlets I think are only 300watts each. I saw one for 1000watts, but does that mean each outlet is only up to 500 watts? I’m frustrated now.

  8. I’m in the market for a generator .. I plan to use at a pop up event whenever I am pressing iron ons to a cap. Or for ironing vinyl on tshirt I just don’t want to spend so much

  9. Would this be safe to charge a power wheelchair ♿️? For a three day camping in the middle of the no where

  10. This is the best YouTube video I have ever seen. No nonsense, straight to the point and very comprehendible.

  11. Host is excellent – good diction, perfect delivery.
    BTW: Nope, We *DON’T* use led lights > they are very unhealthful, stick with incandescents to stay well. (Using led outdoors for property lighting is OK as its not shining on you.)

  12. Why doesn’t anybody tell us whether this thing will run a 1500 watt heater overnight on a full charge it’s just the simplest question no one will answer

  13. I just wanna power a laptop for 12 hours straight… that’s all I need. Which is good for that ?

  14. So can I keep this plugged in to my wall to keep it charged and my 1500 w heater plugged into this if the power goes out then will my 1500 watt heater keep on running without it going out if the power goes out

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