Keyboard AirPods 7 in 1 Cleaning Kit
Keyboard AirPods 7 in 1 Cleaning Kit #shorts
Amazon: https://cutt.ly/Cwz7Bvfu
AliExpress: https://cutt.ly/rwz71p2j
7 in 1 Cleaning Kit Computer Keyboard Cleaner Brush Earphones Cleaning Pen For AirPods iPhone Cleaning Tools Keycap Puller Set
Last time I tried that with my keyboard let’s just say I had to get a new one
It seems like as with the ears
Just throw the keyboard in the ocean for at least a week and it will be perfectly clean 🙄
that is sure dirty
Wtf did I think this was an Ad-💀
It can also give you a shower
04:35 OBVIO que a crente gostaria de voltar para a inquisição ✋🏽
Keyboard surgery time😃
I need that for my air pods😭
Rockstar Song ☠️
Give me that.
me after I eat chips with all my devices 😂
How does your keyboard get that dirty…
Whats next!? 9876474837363636267282834647473828272627737474635363747464663724566378383848475757646633636262727383847565656463626273774646474636352637474748848485266766655353535355352626 in 1?
I have that!!
Bro but you haven’t cleaned that keyboard since the thirteenth century AD😅
The airpods:💀💀
Those some nasty ass airpods
tf is that mashed potatoes on his pods?
That keyboard looks like my 7th grade science teachers
Who makes the keyboard dirty like that?💀
Bende bundan var kesinlikle alın çok ise yarıyorr😻
Crusty Ears 😭😭
Eww that keyboard be crusty
Waht is the name of this Thing.
Pamer wu
I have that lol
Der hat Video gemacht umzu kucken wo die Tasten hin sollen
that keyboard looked rancid
Where can I buy this product?
If that was me I would just flip it upside down brush away the crumbs and call it a day 😂👍🏼
Use a towel for my phone and a wetsuit for my AirPods 😁
Bro has a whole candle in his AirPods 💀
Who else watch this more than once
Bro Whit Temù gadget
Yo no le puedo pasae el cepillo a los auriculares, se me rompieron haciendo eso
Where can I buy?
Where I get this
Everyone’s saying how gross they are, but the creator just put the crumbs and “earwax” on the products before filming lol