Buy Expensive Electronics For Cheap !

Buy Expensive Electronics For Cheap !

You just love Apple iPad. A music buff in you 🎢 can spend even the last rupee you have in your pocket to get That Bose music system.

But aaah! They are still out of budget. We feel like a small boy who passes by a candy shop 🍨 everyday but can’t have one ice-cream.

Not anymore! Your man has a hack for this too! πŸ’ͺ

Do you know what happens to the display pieces that you see at big electronic stores? All those smart TVs that fill the entire wall of the shop? Or that sexy 16” MacBook Pro on display?

Yes, you can get those at 20-30% discount! Don’t believe me? try next time you wanna buy some high end electronic item like laptop, smartwatch, DSLR camera πŸ“Έ or even a trendy mobile phone.

You may have to put up with a battery performance that is somewhat reduced. Also, warranty period may be lesser than usual. But those are adjustable things IMHO if I am getting a 30% discount. πŸ™†β€β™‚οΈ What say?

Caveat: You can only do this when the new models are out. For example for Apple you can go during April and September to ask for display pieces of the previous models.

Comment down below, and let me know! πŸ‘‡

#financewithsharan #techgadgets #electronicdevices #moneymotivated #personalfinance


  1. In Europe you have 14 days return policy. So you can ask the store if they have opened boxes which sell at high discounts because no one wants them. However, discounts on Apple products is rare.

  2. 😊You nailed it!~Here’s to seizing every opportunity that comes your way in your professional journey.

  3. Or book a flight to Dubai and buy the top iphone, mac book, apple watch, and 1 item each of other costly products even if you don’t need it yourself personally. You can crowdsource the funds from friends and family and your entire trip including flight, visas, hotels etc will be paid off from the price difference.

  4. That’s not true……you don’t get any warranty not the 10-11 months warranty and even your battery life is also around 80 to 90% ……not just 1-2% low

  5. What a load of horse shite. As if Indians are going to give away that much discount. Maybe 5% reduction in rate and no warranty. Get real!

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